Western Diocese Summer Camp Western Diocese Summer Camp- Western Diocese of the Armenian Church

Contact Us: 818-558-7474

04 December 2024
Western Diocese Summer Camp

WEBSITE: - www.hyecamp.com

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hyecamp

About Our Camp

The Western Diocese Summer Camp is a 160-acre property located in Dunlap, California about 35 miles east of Fresno. It is within five miles of the entrance to Kings Canyon and the Sequoia National Park at an elevation of 4,400 feet. The property offers a unique, serene retreat setting, perfect for reflection and fellowship.

During the summer, the Diocese hosts 4 weeks of summer camp aka Hye Camp. During the remainder of the year, the facility is used by various diocesan organizations for meetings, retreats and conferences. The camp is also available to rent by outside groups throughout the year, and interested parties should contact the camp or Diocese Headquarters.