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08 February 2025
CEC - Sunday School


Committee Chair: Fr. Mesrop Ash



The mission of the Parish Sunday School of the Western Diocese is to nurture students to develop and enhance their relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Church, through living and reflecting the teachings of the Gospel in accordance with the canons and traditions of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church.

Visit for more information.


The CEC is also the source for recommended curriculum, textbooks and valuable resource materials. It is our conviction that as Armenian Orthodox Christians we transmit the faith of our Fathers to our youth with materials and resources that are appropriate.

CEC Executive Council

Fr. Mesrop Ash - Chair  San Francisco

Vahe Sargsyan - Vice-Chair Burbank 

Lauren Lulejian Klein - Corresponding Secretary Van Nuys

Aghavnie Achekian - Treasurer Pasadena

Talin Movsesian -member Burbank

Denise Gregerson - member Fowler

Elisabeth Pehlivanian - member Scottsdale