The Stewardship Program - Fulfilling the Lord's Great Commission

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12 April 2025

The Stewardship Program - Fulfilling the Lord's Great Commission

Biblical terms, our Master is Jesus Christ and we are the Stewards of all that He has given us – which is everything we have! Stewardship entails putting our treasures, time, and talents to work to accomplish the purpose Christ has for each one of us, and His broader purpose of ensuring the Gospel is preached to all. This begins with an understanding that our time (the days we are alive on this earth), our talents (we all have unique talents freely given to us by God), and our treasures (resulting from the opportunities the Lord has presented to us) belong to our Lord, and we are only caretakers.

Accordingly, these gifts from God should be used to advance His program and not ours. They should be used to nurture and grow the family of believers whom we call His Church. God has instructed that “each shall bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you”. [Deuteronomy 16:17].

By:Western Diocese
Publisher:Diocesan Press