A Companion for Holy Week

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12 April 2025

A Companion for Holy Week

Holy Week in the Christian Church is a time for deep reflection and introspection in preparation for the feast of the Holy Resurrection. As we stand at the empty tomb of Christ on Easter Sunday, our joy is amplified because we have walked with our Lord during his trials and tribulations.

In this book, Archbishop Derderian presents the reader with seven meditations on the enduring message of Holy Week, that is, the victory through a life led in pursuit of God and the love He provides. “A Companion for Holy Week” should be used as its name implies, as a friend who journeys with us and stimulates our mind and soul with thoughts to ponder and reflect. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, we walk with Christ, witnessing to the events in Jerusalem then and the impact those events have on our lives today.

By:Abp. Hovnan Derderian
Language:Armenian and English
Number Of Pages:36
Publisher:Diocesan Press