Variables of the Divine Liturgy Proper to Sundays and Special Feast Days and Church Knowledge

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20 March 2025
Variables of the Divine Liturgy Proper to Sundays and Special Feast Days and Church Knowledge

The Variables of Divine Liturgy Proper to Sundays and Various Feast Days and Church Knowledge” is a collection of writings of eminent clergy who served in the Armenian Apostolic Church mostly in the 20th century. The book contains essential knowledge about our major feasts such as Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Transfiguration, the Feasts of Holy Cross and Virgin Mary. It also covers various important topics, such as: the Armenian faith, our Badarak, the issue of reform in the Armenian Church, the ecumenical relationships with other churches, the structure of our hierarchy, etc.

By:Very Rev. Dirayr Dz. V. Dervishian
Number Of Pages:392
Publisher:Western Diocese of the Armenian Church