St. Andrew Armenian Church of Cupertino Celebrates Jubilee Anniversaries St. Andrew Armenian Church of Cupertino Celebrates Jubilee Anniversaries- Western Diocese of the Armenian Church

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20 March 2025
St. Andrew Armenian Church of Cupertino Celebrates Jubilee Anniversaries
Published - 7 March 2025

The faithful of St. Andrew Armenian Church in Cupertino joyfully welcomed the Diocesan Primate, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, for a special pastoral visit on Sunday, March 2, 2025, marking a momentous occasion in the life of the parish. The visit coincided with the celebration of the 35th anniversary of Archpriest Fr. Datev Harutyunian’s ordination into the priesthood and his 25th anniversary as the Parish Priest of the Cupertino parish.

During the visit, Archbishop Derderian celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon. During the service, altar servers Mikhael Barseghyan, Roman Avagimov and Shant Yerganian were ordained into the Diaconate by the Primate. His Eminence encouraged the newly ordained deacons to continue to serve the Christ, our Lord, the Armenian Apostolic Church, and their parish with renewed zeal. 

Offering his heartfelt congratulations and commendations to Fr. Datev Harutyunian for his unwavering pastoral leadership and his steadfast commitment to serving the flock of Christ with enduring affection. In his address, the Primate emphasized Fr. Datev’s dedication, spiritual guidance, and selfless service to the community, underscoring the undeniable impact of his ministry. At the conclusion of the service, the Primate presided over the opening ceremony of the Rose Garden (in memory of Vartouhi Rose Ghazarossian) donated by the Ghazarossian family. 

The celebration also included a grand gala banquet the evening prior, where numerous devoted parishioners were recognized for their exemplary service and contributions to the church community. Among the honorees, Arra Yerganian received the prestigious medal of St. Nerses the Graceful, a testament to his dedication and service. Additionally, Svetlana Sargsyan and Art Khachaturian were honored with the Diocesan Hye Spirit medals for their commitment to the Armenian Church and its mission. The Ghazarossian Family was recognized as the Family of the Year, celebrating their unwavering faith and service. Furthermore, special recognition was presented to the St. Andrew Cultural Organization for its outstanding contributions to preserving and promoting Armenian heritage and traditions.

The visit of Archbishop Derderian, coupled with these significant milestones, reinforced the unity and devotion of the St. Andrew Armenian Church community. The faithful left the celebrations inspired and uplifted, ready to continue their spiritual journey with renewed faith and commitment.
