As we gather to reflect on the spirit of thanksgiving, let us turn our hearts toward God, the source of all blessings. In the Armenian tradition, thanksgiving is not merely a day but a way of life—a profound acknowledgment of God's grace and providence. As Christians we are called to "enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise" (Psalm 100 ). In offering gratitude, we recognize that every good gift is from above, and our thanksgiving becomes an act of worship. Let us give thanks not only for the abundance in our lives but also for the trials that shape and strengthen our faith, for through them we become ever closer to God.
True thanksgiving is to love and care for those who are suffering and are less fortunate. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40). In our communities and beyond, there are those who hunger, those who mourn, those who feel abandoned or are doubting their faith. As the Gospel teaches us, we are called to extend the love of Christ to others. Sharing our blessings is a sacred duty and a reflection of Christ’s love. In giving of ourselves, we not only help others but also transform our hearts, for we encounter Christ in the faces of those we serve.
As we are reminded every Sunday during the Divine Liturgy, thanksgiving is a continuous act of faith in Christ: "We give thanks to you, Lord, who have fed us at your table of immortal life; distributing your Body and your Blood for the salvation of the world and for life to our souls.” Just as we partake in the Eucharist with gratitude, let us live each day with an awareness of God's abundant blessings and a resolve to share them with others. Let our homes be places of generosity, our words filled with encouragement, and our hands ready to lift up those who are in need.
On this day of Thanksgiving, let us thank and glorify God and become vessels of His compassion and love. May our gratitude overflow into acts of charity and service, that through them, we may bring honor to the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ․
Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian