Monday Evening Vespers Established in Glendale Monday Evening Vespers Established in Glendale- Western Diocese of the Armenian Church

Contact Us: 818-558-7474

20 March 2025
Monday Evening Vespers Established in Glendale
Published - 29 March 2017

By the order of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, special vesper services and Bible Study will take place according to the rites and teachings of the Armenian Apostolic Church at the St. Mark Episcopal Church, 1020 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, California, beginning April 17 and every Monday thereafter, 7:00-8:00PM.  The services will be conducted in English, with the singing of Armenian hymns and sharagans.  Messages and Bible Studies will be offered by Fr. Vazken Movsesian.

“This is the continuation of the beautiful and meaningful tradition which was started last Summer by His Eminence, when he invited us to united and grow in God's love through prayer services every evening,” said Fr. Vazken. “We are very excited that the success of that mission is now continuing here in Glendale.”

The need for collective prayer and these type of gatherings is becoming more and more important these days and in response to the overwhelming success of the Reclaim Conference the Western Diocese is pleased to organize such gathers.

Monday evening prayer services begin on the day after Easter, Monday, April 17 at 7:00PM and continue every Monday evening. Location: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1020 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale. Like all services of the Armenian Church, these services are open to all. 
